Month: September 2017


It’s my birthday this week. Monday, in fact. I don’t celebrate the occasion much, these days, but we gave a party last week-end and were invited to a dinner party this weekend past, so it feels like a double celebration. Highlight was a chat on FaceTime with my son and his daughter in Australia in

Educated out of creativity

  Just watched again Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk of 11 years ago, in which he asked if schools are killing creativity. He said every public education system is predicated on academic ability, in relation to what is useful for getting a job. Children, he said, are benignly steered away from subjects (such as art,

Is THIS how our Brexit future is being negotiated?

  On the front page of The Sunday Times is a piece headlined, “May secretly agrees to £55bn Brexit bill.” As if that were not bad enough, the article quotes a source saying that the opening bid will be £20-30bn, but they expect to settle for around £50bn. My jaw remains on the floor. If